Estimating software for tree surgeons
Estimating software for trees surgeons and aborists. FloQuote is a message aggregator designed especially to help you with your quotes and estimates as a tree contractor.
Getting an estimate out to your potential tree surgery customer means you can qualify the customer first. Most people has absolutely no idea what it costs to cut down a tree, remove a tree or prune a tree into shape. Lots of them will be shocked at the price and simply cannot afford to do it.
Using FloQuote to do this means you also save time and the expense of actually visiting the client in the first place or at least until they have agreed in principal. You are trying to weed out the timewasters.
How FloQuote works
It is so simple.
1) Customer sends a Facebook, WhatsApp, email, whatever message asking for an estimate
2) You respond asking for a video of the tree in question
3) They send it and you use a template to make them a quick estimate for the cost of whatever they want doing
4) Then you send it to the customer
This takes around 5 minutes. In fact, with practice it can be done in less than 2 minutes. Compare that to the time it takes to actually visit to make an assessment. That whole trip and then actually building the quote itself takes what 90 minutes? 90 minutes!
So, you have just saved 85 minutes. Now work out how many quotes or estimates you do each day or week - ones that never go anywhere at all and you can see that this approach will not only save you time and money but it will allow you to spend more time with the qualified prospects. And that means you are going to sell more of your tree services for less effort. A lot less effort.
Estimating software for tree surgery services
So what are the advantages of using FloQuote for estimates instead of visiting? Apart from the above where you save stacks of time, there is the cost of those visits. We have worked this out to a minimum of £70 or $100 for each one. Multiply that by the amount of estimates you do a month and you have saved a ton of money. Time, fuel, wear and tear on the vehicle, it all adds up. And with inflation and the cost of fuel where it is, your customers having less money to spend, don't you think it is a good idea to find out if they can afford what they want before you drive to find out?
Customers love it by the way
80% of the customers we polled preferred this method of estimating. The reasons they cited;
1. They don't want to wait for a tree surgeon to come over
2. They don't believe the tree surgeon will turn up for the appointment
3. They are only price gathering at the moment
4. They don't like to waste their time if they don't have the budget, they want to know now
5. They don't want to waste the time of the tree contractor but they really need to get an idea of costs
This is now a fast paced world, clients don't want to wait. Almost all have of them have Messenger, iMessage, Whatsapp, some have Telegram, everyone is capable of videoing the area or garden and then sending it over a messaging platform.
And you are doing your bit to save the environment and reduce traffic. Probably not your number one concern, but we really all have to do our bit, don’t we?
What are the disadvantages?
There aren’t any. Really, there aren’t any at all. Of course, you are probably thinking – ‘Great, but I close the deals because the customers like me. People buy people! I am the go to tree surgeon in the City.’
Yes, this is true (probably..). But do you win every single estimate? Should you win ever single estimate?
No, you don’t and you shouldn’t either – if you do you are leaving a lot of money on the table. Because, we are not saying don’t visit your potential clients. We are just saying make sure that there is a good chance they are going to actually become a client before you drive across town to visit them.
FloQuote is really a sales lead qualification software. Qualify out the people who aren’t going to buy your tree surgery, arborist and pruning services before you invest a lot of time and expense driving across town. Once you’ve sent them your estimate with a good margin on it and they agree in principal, now you can go and make that final assessment and secure the deal.
If you have a good feeling or you want to go and visit a client you don’t have to send every potential customer an estimate. If Buckingham Palace calls or the White House needs 50 trees lopping – just go! But really jumping in your van at the first enquiry to make a quote, tap-dancing for the customer to get their business before you have qualified them - even if you don't use FloQuote, means that you must either be starting out or well really you are a muppet.
Message aggregator software for combining all message platforms in one
Whatsapp, Telegram, Signal, Viber, Facebook Messenger, SMS text messages and email however, your client wants to communicate with you, FloQuote takes the message into one, easy to use screen.
Remember, you don’t have to use it for every estimate but using it means you don’t need to check several different messaging platforms to respond to clients - which means you will never miss a message from a potential client. That is a good thing.